如佛所说:“若自有缚,能解彼缚,无有是处;若自无缚,能解彼缚, 斯有是处。”是故菩萨不应起缚。
As the Buddha said, “If one has fetters himself, hewill not be able to help others sever theirs. If oneis free from fetters, then he can help others severtheirs.” Therefore, bodhisattvas should not allowfetters to arise.Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
In order to help sentient beings leave the bitter sea of lifeand death, you must have the ability yourself to swimaway. It would be unreasonable to claim that you areable to teach the way out, when you are still in the seawith all the others and are unable to escape from it.A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 3, p. 296
◎ 十二因缘观有很多人在修、在观行,但都无法成功,原因就是不懂十因缘与十二因缘之间密不可分的关联性,总是如同印顺一般解释作增说与减说,不知道二者是不同的观行。
平实导师 著,《胜鬘经讲记》第二辑,正智出版社,2009年元月初版首刷,页203。